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Holiday Skype call |
November 25th
Dear family,
Coming into this month of December I'm feeling just a little
bit homesick as it is going to be my first Christmas away from my family AND my
first Christmas in the mission! It's been fun watching everyone prepare for
Christmas here in Brasil because they start in the beginning of NOVEMBER. Haha
I think that it's kind of funny, but it just started to hit me that Christmas
is just around the corner!
Thank you so much for your last
package it's been super useful and fun! I have to admit that I opened it
early.... There was no way that I was going to wait an entire month until
Christmas! I've already used everything! The only
problem I have is that I don't remember how to play pass the pigs! I forgot all
the scoring ha ha. (Elder Colvin
is a very positive person in case you can’t tell. In reality, the peppermints that I sent in the Christmas box
melted all over the entire contents of his package..ruining most of the things
in it. The only thing that
bothered him about that was that he couldn’t eat the peppermints!) My Mom also sent me the game
Bananagrams, and if any of you don't know how to play that game, it's like a
scrabble free-for-all, and we ended up playing with both english and
português... So it was a little hectic and had a lot of... interesting words in
both languages! Lots of fun!
I'm doing well for the most part.
Uncle Mark was definitely right about Brazilians though! His letter was super
helpful to me in understanding them, and realizing that it isn’t just me or my
perceptions. When they think that something is cool from the USA that we really
don’t think is cool, there is no way to talk them out of their opinion. They think that it's still cool and I
just must be a very uncool American’s if I don’t like whatever random American
thing that they are infatuated with. For example they were talking about the TV
show called “Big Brother” and they told me that I have no social life because I
didn't think that “Big Brother” was that big of a deal! They can definitely be
rude when they don't think about what they are saying, which is often. Although it is kind of true that I
don't have much of a social life, I don't remember any of my friends watching
that show who did have social lives. If fact, I am pretty sure that the only
Americans who watch that show really don’t have social lives. But there is no convincing a Brazilian
that they are wrong about American culture. What is interesting about this is that the missionaries are
the rude ones, while the rest of the Brazilians are generally very kind and
nice to me. For the most part I love the people here and I'm I know that it
will only get better from now on.
Still, I am looking forward to
some kind of change in the next transfer, just because our house is getting
really… Crappy. I don't know how to explain it, but this past p-day I worked
for two hours to clean up the house ALONE, again. I hope that will change in
the coming week. It's hard being in completely different culture. I still
haven't adjusted. If you do anything contrary to the culture (like clean), they
totally condemn you for it!
No microphone...intensely typing... |
November 28
I was given permission to call my
family on Thanksgiving because they are not going to be home for
Christmas. They will have a house
sitter, but I really don’t want to spend my holiday call talking to the house
sitter. Anyway, it was good for
about 10 minutes and then my mic went out and my family couldn’t hear me. They could see me, and I could see them
and hear them. We couldn’t fix the
problem, so I just ended up typing responses to their questions. It all worked out fine, and I think
that we had a nice time despite complications.
December 2
I haven't had very many problems
this week with the missionary work just the usual investigators not showing up
for church, and people not inviting anyone to church, and ward members not
helping with any of the teaching. However, we're working out some ways
that we can try to work with the members. One good bit of news is that we're
teaching the brother of one of the members of our ward, and he's coming to
church and everything, but when we're teaching the lessons he has a total lack
of interest... Still, it's something, right? Also, the cleaning went better this week, but
Elder D STILL didn't clean even with all of the other elders in the house
Biggest highlight of the week: We had some random person
walk into sacrament meeting with a Book of Mormon under his arm and said that
he'd like to be a Mormon! His name is G, and he's one of the tallest guys that
I have ever met! We haven't had the chance to meet with him yet, but he
accepted visits from the missionaries and we're going to teach him next
Things are starting to look up, but this is the end of the
transfer, so it's likely that I'll get transferred out and some other
missionary will move in and have everything prepared for him.... Oh well! I'm
happy to know that I am helping to plant the seeds for missionaries to come
because my purpose is to help others to come unto Christ and if the only way I
can do that is by preparing the way, then I'm happy.
In my treasured Christmas package, my mom sent me English copies of conference (the scratch and sniff peppermint version, haha) and that is made such a difference in my attitude and my life. I am just starving for things written in my language and this was like a lifeline to me. I know that these talks are inspired of God. We must study their teachings like the scriptures because there are scriptures as well! The only difference is that they're directed to our time exactly. You'll be able to overcome any obstacle in your life if you heed their counsel. I'm reading this most recent session of conference, and now that I'm studying it, I'm getting a lot more advice, wisdom, and specific spiritual food just for me than ever before. I know that our leaders have the authority to lead and direct Christ’s church today. You can have the same topic taught by another member of the church, but when General Authorities talk, it makes a difference. I have 100% trust in our prophet and apostles today. I know that they will only direct us for good. Through them I can strengthen my own testimony that this Church is true, that Christ lives and directs His Church even today, that Joseph Smith restored the only true gospel to the Earth. I love this church, I love the principles it teaches. I love the direction we have been given in life because of it, and I love you guys!
~Elder Colvin
~Elder Colvin
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