Monday, December 16, 2013


First off.... FELIZ NATAL!!!!!

Everyone here is getting super excited about Christmas! Right now, I don't have too much too look forward to as far as presents or things that would be nice to get at Christmas because I already got to talk to my family (or rather - listen to my family), and I naturally tore open my Christmas package as soon as I got it two weeks ago!  haha 

However, I have a LOT more to look forward to this year than any other Christmas that I've already had. As a missionary, it is a lot easier to focus on a the spiritual side of Christmas rather than the commercial emphasis that's all over the world today. Christmas is a time when we can really focus on our Savior. Everyone knows the story behind the nativity, and this time I've decided to focus more on the life of Jesus Christ, what he taught, what he did, and really the fact that he gave everything that he had for the world. He literally gave up his life to save the world. It's kind of dissappointing that many people in the world forget this and become focused on 'how many presents I'll get' or 'how expensive they'll be'. Jesus Christ gave up his own life. That's is greater than any amount of gifts or money in the entire world. My goal for Christmas and my wish for everyone: Focus on loving one another by serving them. Don't just love the people who you like, but love EVERYONE. That's what Jesus did!

Here is a great link to a Christmas message that helps us to understand the true meaning of Christmas and what we can give to others.
I have been thinking a lot about something that my parents told me a few weeks ago about when Elder Oaks visited my home stake for a special stake conference. Elder Oaks gave his suit coat to a 12 year old boy and had the boy try it on in front of the entire stake. He told them that that suit is like a calling in the church. Whenever we're given a calling, we're not ready for that calling, we are not big enough to fit into the calling. Period. It is our responsibility to grow into that calling. We have to work hard and develop our own capabilities, and with the Lord's help, we will eventually grow and develop the ability to fit our callings. I started to think about this because I just received news from President Souza (my mission president) that I will be training a new missionary AND becoming a district leader. This is a huge responsability for me, because I still don't speak português!!! How am I supposed to train a brand new missionary and be responsible for 7 more when I can't even speak the language??? I'm really nervous about how the next 12 weeks will go, but I know that President Souza, or the Lord,  wouldn't put me into a situation if I couldn't handle it. For everyone out there today, the same thing goes for you! God wouldn't put anything in your life if you couldn't overcome it. (1 Nephi 3:7 "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandmenst unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commanded them.") We only grow stonger when we work, and we only work when we have something to do. One thing is for sure, I have my work cut out for me, but I'm willing to give it my all!

In fact, our entire mission has its work cut out for them because we are getting 43 NEW MISSIONARIES tomorrow!  Visa's are happening!
Christmas Mission Conference - before the new missionaries arrived.

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