Elder Freeman and I are definitely
struggling against our own inexperience.
I’m going to learn a lot here, even if I don’t have anyone to teach me. Elder F. is still working on his Portuguese, but it is coming along.
With any luck we’ll improve in our teaching style this week with some help from our zone leaders.
some of the good things that happened this week: We visited with a lot of people, but in particular with our
recent converts. We visited with 2
of the sweetest old ladies that I have ever met. J. always makes food for us and has the sweetest testimony
ever. She and M.C. used to be DEVOUT Catholics, but they felt that this was the
true church and converted. I think
that is super cool because J. doesn’t know how to read, so she has to be taught
all the lessons verbally and because of her disability she has learned to rely
on the spirit. She is very in tune
with the spirit and was basically converted based on how she felt when she went
to church and took the lessons. It
is really a touching story. Now
she is going to bring the rest of her family to church.
My beautiful sweaty boy. |
week was a LOT better as far as the snakes go. This time no one tried to flash
me…Instead they just called me “beautiful” in English! Haha. Now that we and our ward mission
leaders know who the problem sisters in our ward are, we don't have anything to
do with them. They actually used to be WARD MISSIONARIES. My companion said
that they were super useful and helped them a ton.... oh well! It's definitely
not worth the risk.
than that we have our usual drunk people yelling at us in the middle of the
street. I am actually starting to understand them, which I don’t know if it’s a
good or a bad thing. Seriously, I
have had at least 3 members of our ward ask me “ta Americano mesmo?” Are you
really an American? Yeah, so that
helps me to feel a little better about my language skills.
this next week will be better. We
are fasting today to learn how to gain more experience and be more effective
missionaries. Also we are both
sick with the cold that Elder Cet. passed on to us and it sucks! I am going to
give it my all this week!
So the first picture is a picture of when we made crepes and we used Nutella and peanut butter!!!! It was super good!!! |
I got my Valentine’s package before Valentine’s Day! Thanks! I loved it! I'm going to be making a bunch of those cookies tonight! I still have some of my old cookie mixes so my American companions are going to love me!
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