March 16, 2015
P-day!!!!! There rarely is anything super exciting about
our p-days. But today I got to play one
on one basketball with a super cool, and super athletic Brasilian. I won two games and he won one. It is weird because he LOVES basketball and
that is very rare here. He even has an
original Miami Heat jersey.
We were planning to take M. to visit in the Relief
Society President’s house, but she rescheduled for tomorrow. M. appears to be a lot happier and she is preparing a family
night activity for this Wednesday. She volunteered to teach this lesson. Elder
C. and I are planning a fast for her.
March 17, 2015
I hate the bus system here. Elder Anderson wanted to get to the office
early today so that he could resolve some problems in order to get a bus
pass-card. We left the house at 6:30 and
we didn’t get to the office until 8:30.
Normally it is a one hour trip…ugghh!
We taught this guy this afternoon who is addicted to
crack and alcohol, and he told us that whoever could tell him what his two
greatest fears were, then he would go to their church. As we kept talking to him, we quickly figured out his fears. His first fear is that
he is afraid of confronting and resolving his problems. His second fear is that he is afraid to
become a part of a community because that would mean that people would depend
on him and he doesn’t thing that he can follow through with
responsibility. So he told us that we
were right about his fears, but that he still doesn’t give a hoot and wouldn't go to church with us.
Anyways, we helped M. plan her activity and she seems
super well prepared. I have a good
feeling about the activity.
March 18, 2015
Then afterwards, M. gave Elder C and I ties and said that
she wanted to talk to us to thank us for everything. “When you knocked on my door, I was really
needing help. I felt this void in my
life and I didn’t understand why. Now I
feel like it is not empty anymore. It’s been great to know you and I love your
church, BUT I can’t be baptized. It has
been great to know you, really really great…”
Yeah that’s it.
Working, teaching, fasting, praying, finally finding
someone who listens, learns, follows through, and beyond that – someone who
actually develops a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, but then turns
their back on it. I am not going to lie, I felt like my feet were swept out
from under me. And as we walked home in
silence, completely deflated, I cried to myself. One of the things
that our mission president told us is that the devil should shake in his boots
when we wake up every morning (in honor of that scripture about Captain Moroni).
However, I just feel like in this past week the devil was just thinking: 'let's
see what we can do to mess with these two this week'. It's a sad situation, but it is especially sad for M who we care about so much because she is making such a life limiting choice. I pray that it'll all
work out somehow.
March 23, 2015
didn't have the heart or the time to write a lot in my journal for the rest of this
week, so I'm going to have to catch up.
We met some other people this week who loved our messages and said that
they would be baptized, but a lot of them have to get married before they can
get baptized. Here in Brasil it takes a LONG time to marry someone. The other elders baptized a man, and he's super cool. He
already knows about the first and the second resurrection before the other
elders started teaching him because he likes to read Isaiah. What? Cool, huh?
His baptism went well except for the part when the font’s pump broke and we had
to empty it by hand. On Sunday, we managed to have an investigator
at church! BUT she got a phone call and had to leave immediately. What a week.
My most productive work this week. |
Elder Carmo's reacton to transfers. |
happened. I stayed in my area (I'm happy about that) I
got demoted (not so happy about that) and the other elder's area got shut down
and we're absorbing it (not sure about that). There was a consolidation of two districts,
Elder Anderson and Elder Dorneles both got transferred. I know my new district
leader, Elder Cooper (he's also from my MTC group.)
I'm going to be working in a triplet with Elder Shelton (also from my MTC
group) and Elder Carmo (I am REALLY not sure about how I feel about working in
a trio, but I am glad to stay with Elder C.) I'm going to have to keep the
situation under control because I am the senior comp. We are the weirdest looking trio on the
streets because, Elder Shelton is a big boy, huge actually, then I am average
sized, and Elder Carmo is tiny! I am trying
to figure out how to work efficiently and effectively in a trio. In our mission we aren't allowed to go on
divisions with the members. At all. It's rather annoying. One of the things that I have to figure out
how to solve right away is the amount of English that is being spoken between
our leaders and the other American elders.
It is not right because the Brazilians don’t speak English so they feel
excluded, rightfully so. Everything's going to be fine. We've got lots of cool
stuff that's going to happen in the near future I hope.
I have no idea why the
president changed things up the way he did.
We were (and still are) working super hard, but whatever comes our way,
it's what president wants, so I'm not going to let myself feel hurt about it. I
just think that it's weird. I think that the President has a plan, but I still
don't know what it is, so the only thing that I can do is work.
I am
thinking about selling my guitar to another elder and just buying a new one
when I get back in the states. It has my
old comp's picture in it, but I'm thinking of putting mine in it too, and writing
something on the back of the guitar before I sell it and then telling the next
missionary to do the same thing when they get ready to leave. Who knows, maybe
it'll be a missionary guitar that'll make it's way around the mission for years
This is not my guitar, but one of the members who we visited with. The glasses were his daughters. |
We took pictures at
one of my favorite member's house. Her kids are super funny and her husband is
a recent convert, a really nice guy.